Saturday, November 15, 2014

Dual in the dirt/ busted motor mounts/ REVSHIFT for the save.


This event is a Ohio Valley Region event only.

The event is set up in a circle and turns all through it. One guy starts on one end of the circle and the other on the other side. Once you go, both guys run the same direction and the first person to cross the line they started at. 

This event was a blast. we had a lot of fun but my bimmer took some damage. 

- busted motor mounts
- damaged radiator fan
- blown power steering line


           I had to use a ratchet strap to hold the engine in place when the motor mounts failed. this did not stop us from running the last few runs. 
           we ran it with busted motor mounts and and the ratchet strap holding the engine in place. ONLY RALLY!!!
when my motor mounts failed it fell into the fan and cut into it destroying it. We were able to get it working again but you can see its definitely rigged to work. Electrical tap and zip ties fix everything.  

 I picked up a very nice set of Revshift motor mounts from 

These are some great motor mounts very solid i would highly recommend these motor mounts. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

National Challenge 2014 Ohio Valley Region.

National Challenge 2014 Ohio Valley Region. 

This was my first national challenge event i have ever been to. 
I was very nervous to see the competition, people driving from states away to compete. 
I figured i had no chance at all but that was not stopping me. 

During one of the runs the car just completely lost all battery power. I  jumped out checked all the connections all seemed to be good. Got back in the car and she fired right up. I still do not know what caused it. i cleaned the connections and tightend everything. but did no find anything that would cause that to happen. 
The bad part it put me behind on my time. and i was now 10 seconds behind. 

This is a shot of me getting out and checking connections on the track. 

I kept getting closer and closer to getting a better time than the 3rd place man but that  10 second down time was killing me. 

As you can see here i am giving it all she got. 

I got within 4 seconds from the 3rd place man than this happen. 

One of the fan blades snapped off and put a big gouge into the radiator and coolant was spraying all over the place. That ended my day. It was  going to be a close fight for the 3rd place position, but i lost. ended the day in 4th place. 

Here are shots of other cars that day.
As you can see it was a rough course. 

This CRX was pushing it hard to get first place and on his last run lost it sideways through the finish line and kept sliding and ended up running over our generator and just about took out the time clock you can see it inches away from the blue barrel. guys ran from all over and pushed the car up to get the generator out. Great job guys! the guy in the crx was doing an awesome job he was fighting for that first place position. 

Though i broke down i had an awesome time and met some new people. 

Follow me for more updates and for my build for the 2015 season moving from stock class to modified. 

Thank you and see you next event!